Stop 24. Clogheenmilcon Fen

A bit of a mouthful and pronounced with a silent ‘g’- (Cloh- heen- mill-kon), this is one of the most accessible local walks suitable for bikes, wheelchairs, runners and walkers. Follow the Slí na Sláinte signs! Over 100 acres of wildlife sanctuary, also known as ‘Blarney Bog’, attracts up to 83 species of birds and 10 species of small mammals annually. This ancient floodplain, wetland of the Blarney River was once a post-glacial lake and also one of Ireland’s last hiding places for wolves. Over a kilometer of public paths skirt the northern boundary, with spaced seating in between to allow you to rest and observe the wildlife. Look out for the stone tower created by sculptor Don Cronin ..and watch out for wolves!
This concludes our tour but there are other things to see and do in Blarney and the surrounding area. We hope you’ll explore and have a very pleasant stay.