Culture Night 2023
Brand Blarney invites you to ‘Facets of a Fen’
Biodiversity, Music and Art along a stretch of our lovely 100-acre wetland fen

Entries from the Facets of the Fen photography competition from local photographers & artists will be beautifully displayed along the pathway of the Fen. For details of photography competition see rules below.
Where: Clogheenmilcon Fen /Duckwalk in Blarney- Coordinates 51.931565, -8.544136
Time: 5-7.30pm on Friday, 22nd September 2023 (Culture Night 2023)
Music from local musicians Anna Mitchell & the Blarney Community Choir.
Cúpla Café
“Best coffee in Blarney”
Protein treats and gluten-free snacks
Special Culture Night Hours: 5pm-7:30pm
What to Expect:
Parking is free. The largest car park is at the west end of the Fen near the playground.
Please note that the Fen does not currently have toilet facilities. The closest are in Blarney.
Photography Competition Rules:
Categories & Prizes
- Winning Photo printed and framed by Druid Craft
- Voucher for Cúpla Cafe
Photographs submitted should depict the following themes:
- Your views of the Clogheenmilcon Fen
- Landscapes that have as their subject the environments within the Clogheenmilcon Fen boundary.
- Wildlife of the Clogheenmilcon Fen that have the fen environment as their natural habitat.
Deadline and submitting an entry
- Entries may be submitted from now until 5pm on Friday 8th September 2023.
- Photographs must be entered by e-mail as attachments to in the format of a digital jpeg at no more than 20mb.
- Each entry must be accompanied with the following information:
- First name, surname, email address and photo caption and location – otherwise your entry will not be considered.
- You will receive a confirmation receipt within 48 hours of your entry being received.
- The photographs must be taken within the Clogheenmilcon Fen boundary.
- The competition is open to all photographers.
- Drone and terrestrial photography is accepted.
- You may enter a maximum of two photographs (black & white or colour)
- Hard copies cannot be accepted.
- Photographers must seek the permission of those people featured in the photograph (or the permission of guardians for photographs of minors) or events/properties before submitting your entry in order to ensure GDPR compliance. By submitting an entry Brand Blarney will assume this permission is in place.
- By submitting images the photographer grants Brand Blarney the licence to use/edit /publish/broadcast the photograph in any marketing or other promotional activity including press and other publicity purposes.
- A panel of judges will choose the winning entries. The decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- All winning entries will be notified.
- Any entry/winner in breach of the rules will be withdrawn.
- Photos will be printed and be on display at the Clogheenmilcon Fen, Blarney as part of Culture Night 2023 on 22nd September from 5:00 pm to 7:30pm.