Brown long-eared bat

Irish Name:Ialtog fhad-chluasach
Scientific name:Plecotus auritus
Bird Family:Bats

This bat species prefers sheltered habitats, including fairly open deciduous and coniferous woodlands, parklands, and well-wooded gardens. Summer roosts, which serve as nurseries, are established in tree holes, bird and bat boxes, and caves. They have adapted well to urban areas and are the most frequently found Irish bats in attics and building crevices.


Brown long-eared bats are a medium-sized species in Ireland. Easily identifiable by their disproportionately large ears, which measure up to 2.5 cm, about three-quarters the length of their head and body. Each ear features twenty-four distinctive folds, aiding in sound funneling. They have large, bright eyes situated above a bulging nose on a pinkish-brown face. Their fur is long and fluffy, with a light brown color on the back and a yellowish to brown hue on the undersides.

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